After two weeks of use and abuse by myself and my children, I have to say that this umbrella is absolutely great! There are three key factors that have me sold:

The appearance: This umbrella has a very elegant and attractive look, all the way down to the handle. I personally chose the black color, but there is a wide variety of colors and they all look absolutely beautiful to me!
The function: The truly impressive thing about this umbrella is the way that it works. It is designed to give way in heavy winds unlike other umbrellas, so the wind does not damage the umbrella and it can easily be popped back in place with no damage done. Turns out, the wind is not all it will withstand! For two weeks, my children and I have manhandled this thing to no end and still it has held up beautifully. The rods on this umbrella are sturdy enough that they have not popped out of place due to the wind once while we were using it, but given a strong enough force, the WILL give! I have literally pulled the rods up and around and they just bounce back. You can flip the umbrella completely inside out and simply pull the outside edge to pop it back and with damage done. Where the heck has this thing been all my life?!
The customer Service: Just as the umbrella is amazing, it is backed up by extremely responsive and friendly customer service. I have emailed the company a couple of times since purchasing the umbrella and they are quick to reply and very helpful. Besides that, the company offers a lifetime guarantee on the umbrella, which in my experience is something a company will not offer unless they have a dang good product.
This company allowed me to purchase their product at a discounted price in exchange for my honest opinion and my opinion is that this umbrella is worth every penny! I will be buying a couple more down the road to have around and I would absolutely recommend it to anyone!
If you are interested in this umbrella, here is the link to the Amazon page that I purchased mine from:

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