I have been taking these for almost two weeks now and I have been shocked to see 6 pounds shed off of my body in that short period of time! Especially because losing weight after the birth of my last child has been impossible for me, even with healthy eating and activity.
My husband started taking these as well, but he did not see much for results so he ultimately stopped taking them. After seeing my results, he decided to give them another try and keep going with them this time. The average weight loss results, according to the company is 3-4 pounds per month. My body seems to be really reacting quickly with them though, so clearly each body handles them differently.

Here is a link to check them out for yourself and read other reviews: http://www.amazon.com/Maximum-Strength-Garcinia-Cambogia-Premium/dp/B013S4DHI6?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00
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