This infuser bottle has been wonderful for me! It has been a great start to a change in my health and lifestyle and I am so happy to have it in my life! (No, really.... the thing goes everywhere with me!) I received this water bottle from the Live Infinitely company in exchange for my honest opinion. I am obsessed with using informative reviews when making a decision on a product that I am looking into so I do my best to give a thorough review along with my personal opinion so that the reader can make their decision with as much information as possible. So here are my thoughts......
This bottle is definitely thicker than I had expected, but they taper it down a bit toward the bottom so it will still fit nicely in the cup holder of both my car (Kia Optima) and my truck (Dodge Ram) - This is important to me because the water bottle is basically attached at my hip now. I do not leave the house without it, but I don't like when I can't fit my drink into a drink holder.
There is a stopper that goes over the lip of the water bottle when you close the cap to prevent any water from leaking out and so far, I have not experienced even a drop of leakage. The cap has a button that you push to open it up that I like. It pops open with ease every time. There is also a little metal ring right by the button that you can push up and it will lock the water bottle shut so you can't accidentally hit the button and have the whole thing come open and spill. When you don't want to use the lock, you simply push the ring down and it locks itself out of the way.
There is an indented grip on the side of the water bottle for you to hold the bottle with. I very much appreciate this because I have small hands and the thick bottle would otherwise be a pain for me to handle. I do have to be conscious of the position that I close the lid in so that it "lines up" with where the grip is. Otherwise the cap will be in my face when I take a drink. At first this was annoying. Now it's just a part of my daily routine and I know right where I need to start the lid to get it to twist into the proper place.
There is also a plastic ring attached to the lid of the water bottle so that you can hook it onto something. My first thought was that a metal ring would probably hold up better, but it does seem to be sturdy. I do not personally have much use for this but I have been hooking it onto the back of my bag when I go on afternoon walks for the sole purpose of testing it out for this review. So far, it has not broken.

I DO, in fact go to bed without this water bottle, but that's because I fill it up before bed so that anything I put in it overnight has ALL NIGHT to get good and infused. Another thing that you can do, is take the infuser rod out and put it in a pitcher of water so you can infuse a larger batch of water for the next day. When you order the water bottle, the company also sends a document with all of the information that you could need about the water bottle and how to get the best use out of it. They also provide a whole bunch of different recipe ideas and the amount of infusing time that's best for each, which was really helpful for me starting off.
If you are looking for any other ideas on what to put in your infuser bottle, or how to combine items to address specific health benefits, you can also check
out Pinterest. There are SO many ideas, along with lists of what items will have what benefits. My personal favorite combination is green tea, cucumber, lemon and mint. I initially thought that I would prefer sweet fruits, but I really love the taste of these items and that they provide that health effect that I am personally looking for. One of my main goals with this infuser bottle was to drink more water and steer away from Soda. Between the taste and the caffeine (Green tea) that I add to my infuser bottle, I am happy to report that I no longer have cravings for soda. (This is a gigantic step for me!)
Previously, in any given day, I would have coffee in the morning, drink a ton of soda throughout the day and have a glass of water before bed. (Not good for my body or my dental bill) Now I drink two of these infuser bottles full of water each day instead of all that soda and I truly feel better! I do still enjoy my morning coffee (I don't think anything could stop me from that!) But the amount that I have already saved, honestly - just in the cost of soda (Not only in price, but the toll it takes on my body) is SO very worth it to me! So my overall opinion is that this infuser bottle is absolutely great! It's very nice looking on top of its benefits and as I am working on turning my lifestyle around to focus on health living, this infuser bottle has been perfect!
If you would like more information on this company and their products, here is the link to their page:
If you want to give this infuser bottle a try, here is a link to the Amazon page that I got my bottle from: